Baran Roh

Sea Wolf | 24 | Maid Retainer
19th Sun of the 1st Astral Moon (January 19)
5'8" | Pansexual | Single

Maid for Hire

Fiercely determined, Baran is not a retainer to be trifled with.

Baroness of Sheep

A girl from humble beginnings, Baran has a sharp silver tongue and knack for numbers she uses to her advantage.

A maiden's Favor

Relationships, Hobbies, Art Gallery


Who am I & OOC RP info

Maid For Hire

Baran is a proud and somewhat snobbish woman who prioritizes herself over others. Growing up with nothing that was ever truly her own and always shared or weathered from the previous love of a sibling, she is incredibly materialistic and enjoys shopping, whether for herself or Quinnen's guild.

She has a competitive and driven attitude with expensive tastes and oftentimes a victim of her own pride. While not vicious, she often honeys her words to endear herself to others to strike better deals or earn more juicy gossip from the grapevine. Baran is also a bit of a romantic at heart, though her judgement is often sound and always looking out for number one: her future prospects!

Barroness of Sheep

Born into a poor sheep farmer's family in La Noscea, Baran was one of four children, the baby sister of two older brothers and one sister. She was frustrated by her family's lot in life and could not learn to just accept and be grateful for what she had. While she tended the farm's sheep, she dreamed of one day living in luxury.

During her teenage years, she focused on spending her precious little time away from home seeking tutoring in letters and numbers from a friendly maelstrom officer stationed nearby. It was through the officer that she learned of the rather prestigious sounding vocation of being a retainer to an adventurer. Stars in her eyes, Baran made it her goal to escape her family's farm, her sister's handmedowns, and her drab lifestyle in order to become the right hand woman to a famous and wealthy adventurer.

After becomming a retainer and finally being assigned to Quinnen, Baran flourished in her work, excelling at dealing with merchants and the man himself to negotiate deals and foster strong relationships that returned with repeat customers. As such, Baran lives comfortably on Quinnen's dime and has her own apartment and chambers in his guild house, being a trusted companion.

She often sticks to the city-states to do business, but isn't afraid to travel by airship or chocobo to do her work as a retainer. Baran also often employs sellswords and adventurers as protection during her travels.

A maiden's Favor

Baran often considers herself too busy for hobbies, but she's taken to purchasing novels of the harlequin romance variety and will sit about the city-state she's currently living out of and read while people-watching. She's also grown a bit adventurous entering clubs and taverns trying to both find enjoyment and network with adventurers who just may be her hired muscle in the future.

Sometimes she ventures home to visit the sheep on the farm and tend to them to relieve stress. She would never admit that she had favorites that she still misses dearly. She secretly collects all manner of sheep and lamb related trinkets.

She enjoys wearing fanciful outfits and uniforms that she brags to have been commissioned by Redolent Rose himself. Baran feels that they're a status symbol that she, even just a mere retainer, has access to such luxury. Thanks to Quinnen's finances, Baran finally has a taste of the luxury she craves.

Quinnen Talian is Baran's adventurer master and her current meal ticket. She'd be lying to say she had no fondness for him, but even she sometimes feels bad for how much he lets her get away with.

Elyssia Tr'iere is a woman Baran finds enchantingly frightening, admiring both her prowess in navigating numbers and the markets as well as for her beauty and sharp witt. Elyssia enjoys teasing her to some degree, and Baran doesn't wish for the depths of her admiration to be made known. The two both respect one another for their loyalty to Quinnen. Elyssia sometimes tasks Baran with seeking out and procuring rare or interesting books which gives Baran a taste of adventure and increases Elyssia's hoard of tomes.

OOC Info

Crystal - Goblin - Multi-Characters

Quinnen Talian
Elyssia Tr'iere
Baran Roh

28 | She/Her | USA ~ EST | Active throughout the week/end
Discord - QuinnEly#9600

Hello and welcome to Baran's page!
Thank you so much for taking the time to look even here!
I'm Sammi!

I have been playing FFXIV for five years and have experience roleplaying privately for several more but I am just now trying to join the rp community with my best foot forward! I play a lot on Crystal Data Center at odd times throughout the week due to odd work times, but I'm almost always available via Discord or my Art Twitter! I also have an Art Tumblr, and I've drawn/edited all art and screenshots on my character profiles c:

I write in Third Person and can vary on wordiness, sometimes with quick sentences but often with slightly slower, thicker paragraphs.
I personally prefer to rp AND chat over discord but I am open to trying walk up rp in private tells! If you'd like my discord feel free to use my above tag to message me! I'd like to try to make new friends~! Though I promise to try to not overwhelm you with my chattiness ;v;

I am looking for casual rp and maybe mature e/rp if the chemistry, mood, and interest are there! I'm not really looking for canon exclusive relationships or partners for Baron - she is just flirty/thirsty because it's fun to write. I prefer erp to be non-canon for fun unless we establish something for a canon fling.

I am not entirely lore-compliant and understand if that is a deal breaker. We can discuss what you're comfortable with if we want to rp anything with major or meaty plot C:

My other characters' carrds:
Quinnen Talian
Elyssia Triere